Sunday, November 24, 2013

My Personal Information

Avm&mvjvgy AvjvBKzg,

gynv¤§` Aveyj gbmyi

Md. Abul Monsur

Md. Abul Monsur, (BBA, MBA, BGCTUB)
My Profile Picture: 
Md. Abul Monsur

Important Link
 1) News Desk  
  2)  GOOGLE

Personal Details:

Full Name              : Md.Abul Monsur 
Father’s Name      : Md. Abu Toyab. Profession:  Small Business. 
Mother’s Name    : Meherun Nesa. Profession: House wife. 
Home Address      : Vill: North Joara, Thana: Chandanaish, 
Date of Birth         : 04-02-1988 
Nationality             : Bangladeshi by birth 
Religion                 : Islam. 
Gender                   : Male  
Martial Status       : Single. 
E-Mail Address     : 
Cell- Phone            : 01824-648632 
Blood Group          : AB+

Educational Qualifications

1) Title of awarded qualification : Master of Business Administration(MBA)
Institution                              : BGC Trust University Bangladesh, Chittagong
Major                                   : Finance         
CGPA                                  : 3.96 (out of 4)   
Season                                 : July-Dec. 2013

2) Title of awarded qualification : Bachelor of Business Administration(BBA)                
Institution                              : BGC Trust University Bangladesh, Chittagong
Major                                   : Finance
Minor                                   : Accounting
CGPA                                  : 3.88 (Out of 4.00)
Season                                 : July-Dec. 2008-2012

3) Title of awarded qualification : Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC)        
Institution                             : Patiya Govt. College
GPA                                    : 4.50 (Out of 5.00)
Group                                  : Business Studies
Year of Passing                    : 2006

4) Title of awarded qualification : Secondary School Certificate (SSC)        
Institution                             : Kanchabad High School
GPA                                    : 4.13 (Out of 5.00)
Group                                  : Science 
Year of Passing                    : 2004

CV of Monsur


Friday, November 22, 2013

My School Information

My School Information
My School name:  Kanchanabad High School 
HSC Resutl         : 4.50
Group                 : Business Studies 
Passing Year       : 2004

My Certificate:  

MBA Information (monsur)

MBA Information
I have completed my MBA Degree from BBC Trust University Bangladesh in November, 2013. My University situated at Nasirabad, Chittagong in City Campus. My First Semester result is GPA 3.95 (out of 4) and Second Semester result is 4.00 (out of 4). My average CGPA is 3.96 (out of 4.00). Some information about MBA is given below:
In 1st Semester subject & Teachers Name:
1) Advanced Financial Management---Md. Jamal Uddin, CMA, CU
2) Management Control Systems------Prof. Dr. Shanti Rojoni, CU
3) Strategic Management -------------Md. Shahab Uddin, CU
4) Total Quality Management--------- Prof. M.A Taher, Dean, CU
5) Supply Chain Management---------Md. Abul Basar. CU

In 2nd Semester subject & Teachers Name: 
1) International Trad & Finance----------Md. Tanvir Hossen, CU
2) Financial Derivative---------- ---------Prof. Dr. Jahangir Alom, CU
3) Corporate Finance--------------------Md. Jiaul Hoque, CU
4) Investment & Portfolio Management-- Prof. Dr. Akter Hossain, CU
5) Bank Fund Mangement---------------Mrs.Surrayia Naznin. CU

Transcript of Academic Reccords

BBA Information (monsur)

BBA Information 
I have Completed my BBA Degree from BBC Trust University Bangladesh in 2012. My University situated at Chandanaish, Chittagong in Rural Campus. Our BBA program contain by 8 Semester. Some information about MBA is given below: 
My favorite teachers of my University is given below:  
1)  Mr. Soman Chakaborty
2)  Mr. Shiraz Meah
3) Mr. Shisir Parial
4) Mr. Rana Karan Sir
5) Mr. Diman Boroah
6) Mr. Rajib Sir
7) Mr. Md. Kamal Uddin 
8) Mr. Ronojit Kumar Chy
9) Mr. Nazim Uddin 
10) Mrs. Rownok Jahan 
11) Mrs. Fahmida Jaman 
12) Mrs. Mitha Mujomdar
My  BBA Result


 BBA Certificate

College Information (monsur)

College Information 
Name of College :  Patiya Govt. College
Group Name       : Business Studies 

Result of HSC: 

Intermediate Lecture Sheet (Finance)

Intermediate Lecture Sheet (Finance):

wdb¨vÝ GÛ e¨vswKs (Aa¨vq: 3q)
A‡_©i mgqg~j¨ (Time Value of Money)

A‡_©i mgqg~j¨ Kx? (What Is Time Value of Money?)

mvaviYfv‡e, mg‡qi cwieZ©‡bi mv‡_ mv‡_ A‡_©i g~‡j¨i †h wbqwgZ cwieZ©b nq, Zv‡K A‡_©i mgqg~j¨ ev Time value of Money ejv nq| A_v©r A‡_©i mgqg~j¨ ej‡Z eySvq †h cwigvY A_© AvR‡K cvIqv hvq G g~j¨ wKQzw`b c‡i cÖvß A_© A‡c¶v †ewk| GKB fv‡e fwel¨‡Z cÖvß A_© eZ©gv‡b cÖvß A_© A‡c¶v Kg| GB aviYv‡KB ejv nq A‡_©i mgqg~j¨|

D`vnib: AvR‡Ki 100 UvKv 1 gvm c‡ii 100 UvKv mgvb bq| 1 gvm c‡ii 100 UvKv eZ©gvb 100 UvKv †_‡K Kg n‡e|
A‡_©i mgqg~‡j¨i D‡Ïk¨ (Objectives of time value of money)

1| m¤ú‡`i cÖµZ I mwVK g~j¨ wbY©q Kiv |
2| A‡_©i fwel¨r I eZ©gvb g~j¨ †ei Kiv |
3| wewb‡qvM wm×vš— MÖnY Kiv
4| SuywK Kgv‡bvi Rb¨ Av‡qi cÖµZ Ae¯’v Dcjwä Kiv|
 5| my‡hvM e¨q cwigvc Kiv |
 6| g~jab ev‡RwUs wm×vš— MÖn‡Y mnvqZv Kiv|


A‡_©i mgqg~‡j¨i Mi“Z¡ (Importance of time value of money)
                 A‡_©i mgqg~‡j¨i Myi“Z¡

1| AwbðqZv

2| my‡hvM e¨q

3| gy`ªvõxwZ

4| ‡fvM
5| FYMÖnY wm×vš—/Decision to take loan                                                                                                                    

mgq †iLv wK?(What is Time Line)

A‡_©i mgq g~j¨‡K hLb GKwU †iLv wP‡Îi gva¨‡g Dc¯’&cb Kiv nq ZLb Zv‡K mgq †iLv ejv nq| Ab¨fv‡e ejv hvq, eZ©gvb I fwel¨r A_© cÖvwß ev cwi‡kv‡ai ZvwjKv †h †iLvi mvnv‡h¨ Dc¯’vcb Kiv nq Zv‡K A‡_©i mgq †iLv ev Time Line ejv nq|

D`vniY: GKRb e¨w³ GKwU e¨vs‡K (FSIBL) 1g eQ‡i 2000 UvKv, 2q eQ‡i 3000 UvKv, 3q eQ‡i 4000 UvKv, 4_© eQ‡i 5000 UvKv Ges 5g eQ‡i 6000 UvKv Rgv iv‡L| hw` my‡`i nvi 10% nq Z‡e 5 eQi ci Zvi KZ UvKv Rgv n‡e?

A_© mgq g~‡j¨i aviYv (Concept of Time value of money                                    

A_© mgq g~‡j¨i `ywU w`K Av‡Q| †m¸‡jv nj--1| eZ©gvb g~j¨ (Present Value)

                          2| fwel¨r g~j¨ (Future Value)

1| eZ©gvb g~j¨ (Present Value): fwel¨‡Z cÖvß UvKvi AvR‡Ki ev eZ©gvb mg‡qi †h g~j¨ Zv‡K eZ©gvb g~j¨ e‡j| eZ©gvb g~j¨‡K evÆvKiY wn‡m‡e AwfwnZ Kiv nq|

2| fwel¨r g~j¨ (Future Value): eZ©gv‡b wewb‡qvMµZ A‡_©i fwel¨‡Z ev wbw`©ó mgq c‡i g~j¨‡K fwel¨Z g~j¨ e‡j| fwel¨Z g~j¨‡K Pµe„w× g~j¨ (Compounding Value) ev cÖwš—K g~j¨ (Terminal value) ejv nq|  

A‡_©i eZ©gvb g~j¨ wbY©‡qi cÖwµqv (Process of Calculation of Present Value)

eZ©gvb g~j¨ wbY©‡qi wbqg: 1| cª_‡g fwel¨Z g~j¨ KZ Av‡Q Zv wPwüZ Ki‡Z n‡e|

                  2| Zvici my‡`i nvi hZ % _vK‡e Zv †`L‡Z n‡e|
                   3| eQ‡ii msL¨v m¤ú‡K© wbwðZ n‡Z n‡e|
                  4| Zvici eZ©gvb g~j¨ wbY©‡qi m~‡Î gvb emv‡Z n‡e|
D`vniY-1: b‡jR Mv‡W©‡bi QvÎ BqvwQb AvivdvZ 2 eQi c‡i H.S.C cvm Kivi ci BBA co‡Z BGC Trust University Bangladesh G fwZ© n‡Z Pvq| wKš‘ BBA ‡Z fwZ© wdm nj 10,300 UvKv| 2 eQi c‡i GB UvKv GKmv‡_ †c‡Z PvB‡j Z‡e eZ©gv‡b Zv‡K KZ UvKv Rgv ivL‡Z n‡e? hw` e¨vs‡Ki my‡`i nvi 12% nq|  
                                                 = 20003.7908                                                                                                                                                           
D`vniY-2: Squire ‡Kv¤úvbx wjwg‡UW GKwU cÖK‡í 5,000 UvKv wewb‡qvM K‡i‡Q| wewb‡qvM cÖKí n‡Z AvMvgx 5 eQ‡i cÖvß bM` cÖev‡ni cwigvY wb‡P †`Iqv nj:
bM` cÖevn
hw` Squire ‡Kv¤úvbx wjwg‡UW Gi evÆvi nvi 10% n‡j Dc‡iv³ Avš—:cÖevn¸‡jvi eZ©gvb g~j¨ KZ? 

hw` my‡`i cwigvY eQ‡i GKvwaKevi MYbv Kiv nq ZLb wewfbœ m~Î e¨eüZ nq †hgb:

D`vniY 3: b‡jR Mv‡W©‡bi QvÎx Kzmyg I Zvm‡bvfv wdb¨vÝ K¬v‡m gbmyi m¨vi †_‡K Rvb‡Z PvBj †h, eZ©gv‡b Zviv hw` 1,00,000 UvKv dv÷© wmwKDwiwU Bmjvgx e¨vs‡K Rgv ivL‡j 5 eQi ci H Rgv UvKv KZ UvKv n‡e hw` e¨vsK 12.5% my` cÖ`vb K‡i? 

1| mvaviY evwl©Kx (Ordinary Annuity): )

‡h evwl©Kx e„wËi bM` cÖevn cÖwZ eQi †k‡l, gv‡mi †k‡l ev wKw¯—i †k‡l MÖnb Kiv nq ev Rgv †`Iqv nq Z‡e Zv‡K mvaviY evwl©Kx ejv nq| GwU eZ©gvb ev fwel¨Z g~‡j¨i †¶‡ÎI n‡Z cv‡i| 
‡Z n‡e|

Extra Geometry (class 10)

Extra Geometry